Tuesday, October 25, 2016

National Convention Video

The National FFA Convention took place last week in Indianapolis.  Many South Dakota teams did very well in the competitions including Miller in Ag Communications and Highmore in Livestock Evaluation and Parliamentary Procedure.  Linked below is an incredible speech by Jason Brown, who played in the NFL and gave up his football career at the age of 27 to become a farmer.  I would encourage you to watch his speech and testimony to God's work in his life:


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Landscaping Class

Our landscaping class has been busy this fall trimming trees on campus.
Today we were blessed to have Kent and Adam from the NRCS in Miller come and help us do soil sampling on the football field
The goal of our soil sampling is to improve our fertility and treatment of the field to provide a better playing surface.

 The soil samples will be sent to a lab in Sioux Falls where it will be analyzed and the results as well as recommendations will be sent back to us.  

 We have a great community in Miller who are willing to help us out with projects like this.  Thanks for everyone who has been willing to help out!