Sunday, January 29, 2017

January Highlights

 We are back in the saddle again after a much needed Christmas Break.  The semester started off with a couple of students helping out our director of development at the Miller Farm and Home Show.
 The Landscaping class received a package of PPE for competing in the ATV video safety project.  Here they are showing off their goods!
 We started on our swing-set project last week.  A generous supporter of our program is helping us assemble it in his shop.  It is a joy to see the passions and ideas of the students become a reality!
 We constructed the A frames of the swing-set using cedar logs and strapped them together with bands of steel.
One of our alumni from the first year of our program came back and gave a leather working lesson to one of our students interested in doing leather projects.  Another generous community member donated a bunch of leather working supplies and materials to our chapter.
Here are a couple more pictures from our swing set project.  Thanks for tuning in!

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Matthew Commentary

My friend John Strohman has written an Application Commentary on the book of Matthew that he would like to make available free of charge.  This is an excellent tool for personal study or to use in a group setting.  Follow the link for a free ibook, kindle, nook, or google play edition.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Video Contest

Our Landscaping students entered an ATV safety video in contest through the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health.  Please use this link to view our video and then vote for our chapter.  The chapter with the most votes on their video receives $1000 cash.  Thanks!