Monday, December 9, 2013

Auction and other Updates

We held our annual benefit auction this past Saturday and a couple of the FFA memebers dressed in their official FFA dress.  They clean up pretty well!  The auction was a fun day of fellowship and raising money for the school.  A couple of the students made some items (including coat racks, boot racks and other welded creations) to sell at the auction and those brought in great prices.
A couple of the students and I had an opportunity to go out to Rapid City and attend a Range Beef Cattle Symposium put on by SDSU, University of Nebraska, Colorado State, and the University of Wyoming.  There were some excellent presentations by both the university staff and professionals in the industry.  The students were overwhelmed by all the information but I think each one walked away with some valuable information.  The other part of the conference is the networking and getting around the tradeshow and the students took advantage of that in their time there.
The next two weeks the students will be researching energy topics and will be presenting their information to the class as part of the final.  Be for we know it, Christmas will be here and we will be started with the second semester!