Monday, January 27, 2014

SAE's (Supervised Agricultural Experiences)

 Here is a picture taken before our FFA meeting on January 22nd.  You can tell the crew is ready to go!  We have had a good start to the second semester and we have a lot to accomplish in the months ahead.
One of the things that we've been spending class time on lately is the students' SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience) projects.  Part of the FFA model is having the students do hands-on work in the field of agriculture.  Our students have a great diversity of experiences on their family operations and we are working on setting goals for what they want to learn and accomplish in these SAE projects.
The first important step for the students is to keep a daily log of their hours worked (paid or unpaid), tasks performed, and the skills they are working on.  I will be checking these records periodically to see their progress throughout the semester and then I hope to be able to visit each student at their SAE throughout the spring/summer.
The next step (which we have started on in class) is putting together a portfolio that includes a personal balance sheet, goals for their high school career, community service projects, and FFA experience.  This is our first year at this, but it will be especially important for our underclassmen who can utilize this information in years to come for State FFA degrees and awards.  
There is an ownership component to these SAE projects where students can own livestock or operate their own business venture.  We have a couple of students interested in this route and it will require additional organization (identifying current and non-current assets,liabilities, expenses).  While this type of project will be more work, the opportunities for students to learn about "real life business" are priceless.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the SAE projects.  I don't know everything but I will sure work hard to find an answer and figure out a way to make something work.  My hope is that the students will be working and communicating with parents to make this project worthwhile for both of you!  
One of the many reasons we are blessed to live in this great state!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Helping the SBA Cattle Program

Our class worked with Dr. Frusher, the SBA Livestock Program Director, loading some heifers that are going into the SBA cattle herd.  It was a fun morning to get outside and enjoy the nice weather!  Brian went on to help Dr. Frusher preg check the heifers and was able to literally get some "hands-on" experience with that!
For those who don't know, the SBA Foundation operates the cattle program, which is designed as a long-term investment tool for the school.  I am looking forward to hopefully involving our FFA program with the cattle program in future opportunities!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Assignment for 1-13-14
Read the article in the above link and answer these questions:
1.        What 2 job skills are the most important?  Why?
2.       What is 1 job skill that you know you need to improve in?  How can you improve in this area?

Second Semester Start-Up

Here we are at the start of a new semester! For some this is exciting, for others, it is hard to get the wheels turning again after the festivities of the holidays. We will continue to do FFA updates as well as class assignments/resources using this website. Please feel free to pass it on to anyone who would be interested in learning more about our agriculture program at SBA.

The following is a "list" of FFA meeting dates at SBA and the major topics to be discussed: January 22 (Wednesday-following chapel): FFA Week Activities, SAE's
February 11 (Tuesday): Spring Career Development Events
March 6 (Thursday *depending on GBB): FFA Spring Convention
March 25 (Tuesday): FFA Spring Convention final details
April 29 (Tuesday): End of the year details

The following is a calendar of important FFA dates coming up:
February 1: College Scholarship applications due for seniors
February 17-21: National FFA Week
March 18: FFA Spring Career Development Event in Miller
April 6(pm)-April 8: FFA State Convention in Brookings

I also have a couple of class field trips that I would like to take this spring and I will put those dates up as soon as we finalize them. Remember to check out for the on-line FFA manual as well as up to date information on FFA resources