Monday, November 17, 2014

Hay Storage

Read the following article posted on SDSU's I-GROW website: and answer the following questions:
1.  What hay storage techniques do you have experience with?

2.  Who conducted the research that SDSU is relying on for this article?

3.  Is that research legitimate for South Dakota?

4. What are the advantages of hay that is stored inside a barn?

5. Why is inside storage of hay not always a  feasible option for producers?

6. What alternatives do you have if inside storage of bales is not available?

7. Research the cost of both Prairie Hay and Alfalfa Hay in South Dakota and report the price per ton and cite your source!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

November News

 We received our FFA jackets and the 9th and 10th grade students tried them on for class today.  The Exploring SD Ag class had a friendly Parliamentary Procedure competition between the 9th and 10th graders.  The Plant Science class held a spirited debate on GMO's and did a great job covering the major points in this issue.  
 On Friday, November 7th, two students competed at our district FFA Leadership Career Development Event in Public Speaking and Job Interviewing.
Congratulations to Sam for moving onto the state competition in Pierre!
We  picked a cold day to visit Dakota Lakes Research Farm and talk to Dr. Beck about crop rotations, GMO's, and the importance of tying in science with our agricultural practices.  Thanks again to Dr. Beck for hosting us this year!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Transplanting an Ash Tree

Our fall tree transplanting continues.  This week we tackled an ash tree on campus that is probably at least 12 years old.  The tree was growing into another tree and had to either be moved or cut down.  

 The students all got a work out with digging dirt and cutting roots.  With a little help from the skid-steer, we were able to dig it out and transplant it on campus.
3 of the students helped steady the tree as we transported it across campus.
 After digging the tree out, a new hole had to be dug to put the tree into.
Here is the tree's final resting place.  We hope that it survives the stress and takes off again this spring!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Assignment for the week of November 3

Read the following article and answer the following questions:

1.  How is the average age of the American Farmer changing?

2.  What are 3 of the challenges mentioned for younger people to get into farming?

3.  Why is the NYFC requesting for loan forgiveness for young professionals in agriculture?

4.  How is FFA preparing students for success in agricultural careers?

5.  Do you think the government should be involved in granting loan forgiveness to farmers and ranchers?  Why or why not?  (1 paragraph answer)