Tuesday, September 29, 2015


 Sometimes a couple of weeks go by before I get a chance to post pictures and this is one of those instances!
 We went to the State Fair on Thursday, September 3 and worked at the Pork Producers Booth serving food and helped at the FFA Animal Nursery.
 It's always a great day at the fair-the students work hard and they have a little fun as well.  It is especially exciting for those who are first-timers to the fair!
 On Monday, September 21, we were invited up to Stiegelmeier's crop tour up in Selby, SD. The crop tour highlighted test plots of soybeans and corn that were sponsored by Channel Seeds.  The event was very educational in nature and culminated with a delicious supper and presentation by an independent soil scientist who talked about important factors in soil health.
 Stiegelmeier's also have a seed business and we were able to tour that facility as well.  The seed is cleaned and treated in the shop seen above.  They raise foundation seed and sell it to customers in many different states.
 Another aspect of their seed business is selling cover crop seed, which can be planted for a variety of uses including livestock grazing, breaking up compaction, and building up Nitrogen and organic matter in the soil.
Here is our fearless leader at work in the Pork Producer's Booth!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Outside Projects

 We've had a busy month in our classes and FFA projects.  Last week, we started on a couple of fall grass seeding projects.
 Activities from this week have included putting up square bales of hay and putting tires on silage piles.  More pictures of activities to come soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

FFA History with Warren Skinner

Our freshmen students visited with our neighbor, Warren Skinner, who was an FFA member in the late 1940's.  He shared about his experience going to National Convention and singing in the National FFA Band.  He also encouraged the students to step outside their comfort zones and try some new things in FFA.  Thank you for your support of our program!    

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Woonsocket Range Judging School

 We had a great day yesterday at the Woonsocket Range Judging School.  The students utilized their knowledge of plants to evaluate sites for carrying capacity of livestock and grouse.  A huge thanks to the NRCS offices for their help in putting this event on!