Friday, February 19, 2016

Class Pictures

 Our Agri-business class was privileged to have Erin Yost from American Bank and Trust come and talk to us about the lending process.
She taught on the 6 C's of Credit: Character, Capital, Capacity, Collateral, Conditions, and Cranium.  We are blessed to have professionals in the community supporting our program and we enjoyed hearing her
experience in the banking industry from an agricultural perspective.

 The landscaping class is reinforcing the benches for our fire-pit area.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Pie Auction 2016

 A big thank you to our FFA students for another successful pie auction!  A fun time was had by all and money was raised to help with a variety of projects at SBA including our FFA convention.

Monday, February 1, 2016

The rest of January

 Well, the rest of January flew by and here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks.  Our Agri-business class is studying a series by Compass Financial Ministries called "Business God's Way".  It is an outstanding resource and has challenged us to objectively look at our FFA chapter and how we can better serve God in it.  The above picture is sample of our class discussion on values of our FFA chapter.
 The Landscaping students are studying landscape prints and figuring out how to use scale measurements in drawings.
 The class split up in teams of 2 and then created a quiz for the other students from their print.
 The Animal Science class experimented with the energy value of different feeds including prairie hay, corn silage and popcorn.  In order to do that, we burned the feedstuffs and then measured how much heat the feed produced.  Guess which one had the most calories?
 We received 2 Lab Quests, which are like a scientific i-pods, from a grant from Dupont Pioneer to help accurately measure the temperature change in the water.  The Lab Quests also have soil moisture probes and ph level senors to use in our activities.
 Another successful experiment without burning down the shop!