Tuesday, May 24, 2016

End of the Year Part 2

 We celebrated our year in FFA with a banquet on May 2nd.  It was a blessing to be able to reflect back on all that God has done in the lives of our students!

 The students were able to pose for pictures around the fire-pit area we have been working on this spring.
 Our banquet was attended by 50 students, parents and guests.  Included in those guests were 2 families of whom we gave honorary membership to our chapter.  Brad Ufen is an SBA alumnus and has helped with our range judging and given us crushed rock for our fire-pit project.
 We also honored the family of the late Wayne Fawcett who was a strong supporter of our chapter.  The Fawcett family lives just over a mile away and are always willing to lend a hand with whatever we need.
Brent Thiel from Lindskov-Thiel Ranch was our speaker and he challenged all of us to pursue integrity in our business relationships as well as our relationship with God.  Below is a picture of our speaker addressing the students.
 A huge thanks to my wife for creating beautiful table decorations and to our neighbor for catering the delicious food!
 We are starting to get siblings in our chapter now as we have finished our 3rd year.  Below is a picture of a sister holding the gavel her brother made in his first year of FFA.  Thank you to all of our families for your support!

Friday, May 20, 2016

The End of the Year Part 1

 There are no excuses for late work in a teacher's mind so I won't even begin to try to explain why we have not updated the blog since State Convention.  However, it is the end of the school year which means it's time to work outside and wrap up projects!
 The students did a great job finishing the fire pit project.  It turned out beautiful and the track students tested it out a couple of nights ago.  It works great!
 Here is the Agri-business class which came up with the grant idea and helped with the project.
 Spring also means tree planting time.  The junior high and landscaping classes planted 160 seedlings around campus.  We plant as many trees as we can in 5 gallon buckets with the bottoms cut out of them (we are always running out of 5 gallon buckets).  This helps prevent against the trees getting run over by the lawn mower and helps contain moisture.
 Here is the junior high group after a successful day of planting!
 The junior high class also did a water infiltration lab where we tested the infiltration rate on 4 different types of land use areas-seasonally grazed pasture, no-till corn field, football field, and a native grassland area.
 Our landscaping class had a very hard final exam-we went to the golf course to learn about the maintenance of a golf course and then had to play a couple holes to test their skill.  We had a great time there and appreciate the Miller Country Club for hosting us.
Stay tuned for pictures from our banquet and other odds and ends that I missed here.  Thanks!