Monday, August 29, 2016

Time to roll again!

 Hello students, parents and friends-We are rolling along on another exciting school year!  This is the 4th year of our school's Agricultural Education and FFA program and every year is uniquely different in the students we have and opportunities God brings our way.

Above is a picture of students from the landscaping class helping get the football field ready for the opening game last week.  Nice glasses!
 As usual, we start off with range science in Exploring SD Ag.  This is a great way to engage students in God's wonderful creation and learn about the biodiversity found on the prairie ecosystems.
 Students participate in a variety of group projects and learn how to work with others.
 The Leadership class is building an FFA display (see below pictures) for the State Fair.  Stop into the FFA buildings to check out the display and more!
 The students came up with a design and will be putting the finishing touches on this week.
 Our chapter was awarded a grant from Farm Credit Services last year to purchase laptop computers for our classroom.  God has blessed us with many organizations and individuals coming alongside of us to support our chapter.  A huge thank you to all who helped and to God alone be the glory!