Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Assignment for 1-13-14
Read the article in the above link and answer these questions:
1.        What 2 job skills are the most important?  Why?
2.       What is 1 job skill that you know you need to improve in?  How can you improve in this area?


  1. 1. The 2 most important job skills are being committed and making smart decisions.

    2. The 1 job skill that I need to improve in is have a positive attitude. How can I improve in this area, reminding myself that I need to keep a positive attitude because when I have a positive attitude things will run more smoothly.

  2. I think that being able to wear multiple hats around the office, work place, or where ever your working is very important, because why would you hire someone who can only do 1 think well when you could hire a person who is cable of doing all jobs around your office. I think the 2nd most important thing would being aware of your surroundings. If your employer isn't aware of his surrounding he could be hit by a mad cow more easily, not pay attention of people trying to hack the computer system, or could not realize the risk of telling certain people certain information.
    One area that I need to improve on in my own life would be my communication skills. I need to let others know what I am thinking so that operations can run more smoothly and efficiently.

  3. i think that having a positive attitude and being dependible are two very important caracteristics to have in an employe. i think that personaly i need to work on my orginizational skills so i will be able to manage what iam put incharge of better.


  4. One of the most important job skills is that you must be willing to go above and beyond what is typically required of them on the job. This is important because people will want to hire you if you have this quality. Another important job skill is, we need to show up on time and do the work we are getting paid for. Dependability is important because our employers are spending money for us to do our job and we need to be there when they want you to be.


  5. two job skills are having a positive attitude and going the extra mile that s important because you'll work harder and do better

    one job skill i need to work on is being organized i can improve on this by keeping my room clean

  6. I think commitment and dependability are two of the most important skills you can have or want. These skills make a person reliable and a valuable asset in a working environment. If one doesn't posses these skills one tends to have a difficult time keeping a job.
    I think I need to improve my skills in my organization abilities. I could do this by making files, using technology, and making lists.

