Thursday, August 7, 2014

FFA Calendar for 2014-2015

For all the interested students and parents out there, here is a calendar of events for the coming school year:

August 21-FFA informational meeting at 8:15 pm, officer applications will be handed out
August 28-State Fair Trip after lunch: working at the Pork Producer's booth and Petting Zoo
September 3-Land and Range Judging School at Woonsocket
September 8-FFA meeting at 8:15 pm
September 17-Range Judging School at Faulkton
October 1-Land and Range Competition in Wessington Springs
October 6-FFA meeting at 8:15 pm
November 3-FFA meeting at 8:15 pm
November 7-District Leadership CDE at Miller
December 2-FFA meeting at 8:15 pm
December 7-8-State Leadership CDE at Pierre
January 6-FFA meeting at 8:15 pm
January 14-State degree screening in Faulkton
*February 10-FFA meeting at 8:15 pm (may change because of small group contest)
February 21-28-National FFA Week
March 5-Spring CDE at Howard, FFA meeting at 8:15 pm
March 31-Spring CDE in Miller
April 7-FFA meeting at 8:15 pm
April 12-14-State FFA Convention in Brookings, SD
April 21-FFA Fun Night
May 4-FFA Banquet

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