Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Plant Science "Soil Health Bug" Assignment

Read the following article from "On Pasture" and answer the following questions:

1.  How does the author's use of the term "farming in nature's image" line up with a Biblical worldview?

2.  What does the author mean by the phrase using "biology rather than chemistry" to  achieve productive conservation?

3.  List 4 things that the author says about infiltration and runoff:

4.  Research one of the individuals mentioned in the article and explain:  1.  Who they are 2.  What they are doing that is unique  3.  Why they are doing what they are doing  4.  One interesting thing that you learned about them.

5.  What do you think you think about the "soil health bug": Do you agree with the concern the author has for this topic or is it over-rated and not important in the long run?

You may either type your answers in Word and print it off to hand in or you may e-mail me your paper at Andrew.Boersma@k12.sd.us

*Due on Friday, 10-3-14

Silage Pile and Soil Infiltration Lab

Fall means silage pills around this part of the state and we had the opportunity to help a neighbor tarp and put tires on their pile this week.  The students worked hard and enjoyed some great donuts afterwards!
 A couple of the boys showing how things are done!
 We researched water infiltration rates in the soil at a couple of different sites around campus last week.  We learned that the ground was very hard and that we needed a bigger hammer and different pipe for some of the more compacted areas.

We have had a beautiful couple of weeks as far as weather and we hope for a few more before the snow flies!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

HuntSAFE Class

Our Junior High students are going through the South Dakota HuntSAFE curriculum and will receive their HuntSAFE certification at the end of the quarter.  Yesterday, conservation officer Cory Flohr came and spoke to the class about hunting regulations.  The students all walked away with some fancy hats for the hunting season!

Allan Savory Field Day

 We attended the Allan Savory Field Day sponsored by SDSU and the SDGLC out in Hayti, SD last week.  The weather was cool but the students were tough and learned about grazing systems from the different presentations and tours.
 The operation we toured featured cover crops and we gained more knowledge of this type of grazing system.
 The transportation was first-class and the blankets came in handy!
The students are (mostly) paying attention to Allan's presentation.  There were excellent questions addressed during the day and many of us were challenged to a different mindset of grazing livestock. The day ended with the NRCS demonstrating their rainfall simulator.  If you have not seen this, I would encourage you to check out the Youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9K9idBcJLY

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rotational Grazing Assignment

Rotational grazing is a hot topic in agricultural communities.  Read one of the articles linked below and write a 3 paragraph response including:
1.  Benefits of rotational grazing systems
2.  Challenges of rotational grazing systems
3.  If you owned your own ranch, what type of grazing system would you use and why?
Responses should be completed and saved in Word and either:
1.  Posted in the comment section of the blog
2.  Printed off and given to Mr. Boersma
3.  E-mailed to Andrew.Boersma@k12.sd.us

Friday, September 5, 2014

Range Judging at Woonsocket and Allan Savory Field Day

11 FFA students from SBA went to Woonsocket and took part in a Range Judging School on September 3rd.  The students did well and applied lessons learned in the classroom to identifying plants and evaluating pastures for beef cattle production and grouse habitat.  The Natural Resource Conservation Service puts on the schools and then there is a regional competition on October 1.

Next week Thursday (September 11) we have an opportunity to go an Allan Savory Field Day put on by SDSU.  Allan Savory is considered the "father" of holistic management and is an international expert on grazing systems.  This is an all day event and I have invited FFA students to come if they are interested.  Here is a link to the event  http://igrow.org/events/allan-savory-seminar-and-field-day/

State Fair

Last week we had the opportunity to go to the State Fair with 6 of our FFA students.  We worked at the South Dakota Pork Producer's booth as well as helped out at the FFA barn.  Two students worked with kids of all ages in the tractor simulator.  There were a couple of tractor wrecks with inexperienced drivers but mysteriously the tractor could be reset with no difficulty!  The other students helped with the puppies in the petting zoo and cleaning up the area.  Thanks to all the students for their hard work!

We had two students who showed livestock at the fair.  Samantha won her class of Red Angus Heifers and Tierney gained some great experience showing sheep.