Friday, September 5, 2014

Range Judging at Woonsocket and Allan Savory Field Day

11 FFA students from SBA went to Woonsocket and took part in a Range Judging School on September 3rd.  The students did well and applied lessons learned in the classroom to identifying plants and evaluating pastures for beef cattle production and grouse habitat.  The Natural Resource Conservation Service puts on the schools and then there is a regional competition on October 1.

Next week Thursday (September 11) we have an opportunity to go an Allan Savory Field Day put on by SDSU.  Allan Savory is considered the "father" of holistic management and is an international expert on grazing systems.  This is an all day event and I have invited FFA students to come if they are interested.  Here is a link to the event


  1. Questions:

    1. What was the most helpful part of range judging school?

    2. What is the most difficult part of range judging for you?

    3. What question do you have or interest that you would like to know more about in regards to range judging?

  2. 1. The most helpful aspect of the range judging school was being able to execute a full rangeland evaluation step-by-step
    2. The most difficult part associated with the range judging was the paperwork, specifically the movement from page to page.
    3. In reguards to range judging i would still like to have more information on the paperwork process and procedure.


  3. The most helpful part of the range judging school, for me, was going through the plant line and learn how imprtant it is to know the plants leaves and the plants at different stages not just full grown.

    The most difficult part of range juding is the site judingand the paper work for the site. It is something that takes alot of practis to be able to do well.

    I would like to know what kids of grasses are the best for grazing cattle and produsing very healthy cattle.


  4. 1. The most helpful part of the range judging school for me was getting familiar with
    the range contest atmosphere.
    2. The most difficult part of the range judging school for me was the paperwork aspect of it.
    3. I would like to know more about the benefits and consequences of plants.


  5. 1. Knowing how to write down what percent of grasses, forbs, shrubs etc. was helpful.
    2. The paperwork of how many acres and how much grass and how many cattle are on the land was a little difficult.
    3. I would like to know more about the paperwork with the cattle, grass, and acres.
    ~ A.S.

  6. 1. The most helpful part of range judging school for me was getting a hands on experience.
    2. The most difficult part of the range judging was remembering the characteristics (warm/cool season, native/introduced/invader) and whether a plant was good for livestock/grouse food and grouse cover.
    3. I would like to learn more about the native South Dakota grasses and what ones are the best for livestock consumption.
