Monday, March 13, 2017

FFA Week 2

 We had the opportunity to attend a CDE school in Winner this year during FFA Week.  They also brought in Dr. Rigsby who has spoken at the National FFA convention a number of times.  He had an inspiring message of the power of a parent/teacher on a student's life.  We were grateful to meet with him after the event.
 We also had our annual animal nursery during FFA week.  A huge thank you to a couple of SBA families who provided us with sheep, goats, cattle and a horse for our event.
 The bottle lambs were very young ranging in age from 1-4 days old.
 The Animal Science students taught the elementary students about the animals.
 Day 2 of our swing-set construction was successful as we secured the main beam on top of the swing-set,  We hope to move it on campus in the next month or so.  
The Animal Science class is making digestion murals to help teach the elementary students about digestion.

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