Thursday, August 15, 2013

Welcome to Class!

Thank you for tuning into our class blogspot!  This site is designed as a class website to post updates and discussion boards about topics that we are covering in our class at Sunshine Bible Academy.  Discussion questions will be posted weekly and responses will be due Thursday night by 10:00 pm.  I look forward to beginning this journey together!


  1. Assignment for 8-22-13 *Due at 10:00 pm

    Answer the following questions:

    1. What was the highlight of your summer (1 paragraph)

    2. What dreams/goals do you have for a future in agriculture?

    3. What areas of agriculture are you interested in learning more about in your class?

  2. the highlight of my summer was making it to the national high school finals rodeo in Rock springs, Wyoming.

    I would like to ranch someday but if i am not able to do that i would like to be an agricultural teacher or something in that line of work.

    I would like to learn more about the anatomy of a horse and more about range managment.


  3. 1. The highlight of my summer was waking up early to beat the heat and train my horse for barrel racing, it was cool to see how much she would progress each day. I learned a lot about barrel racing. Riding is deffinetitly my favorite thing to do.
    2. My dream/goal is to become a veterinary for large animals. That way i can take care of my own animals.
    3. I hope to grow in knowledge of the body, types, and functions of large animas. F.K.

  4. 1.) The highlights of my summer was going to Washington D.C and being at home. Washington D.C was very educational, and there was lots and lots of people! I really enjoyed looking at all the statues and the museums. It was also really nice to be at home, and to work with my dad and sisters.

    2.) One of my future goals in agriculture would be to ranch with my dad and raise bulls. I love working at home with my dad and family, and I think working at home would be something I could do for the rest of my life. Another idea of mine would be to get a degree in agriculture, so that maybe someday I could teach it.

    3.) I would really like to learn how to judge cattle better,soil judging,and conservation of soil. I think that those areas of agriculture would be very helpful in everyday life on a

  5. The highlight of my summer was when me and my family went to Minnesota. I got to see all the different things going on there. I also got to see all the corn and soybeans which was every where you look in Minnesota.

    My goal in agriculture is to someday have my own ranch and to raise quality Angus cattle.

    I am interested in learning more about range land management and the various different types of grasses and what they can do for my cows. I also would like to learn more about AIing and perhaps embryo transplanting.


  6. 1. The highlight of my summer was making it to high school national rodeo finals. I placed 3rd at state in pole bending and I ended up 16th at nationals on three runs. Running a 20.006 was my favorite memory at nationals.
    2. I hope to become a RN and work on the reservation. While working on the res. I plan to help my parents on the ranch.
    3. I would like to learn more about horses, cattle, and agriculture in general.


  7. The highlight of my summer was going to rodeo bible camp in Kadoka S.D. It was a lot of fun. I learned not only about rodeo but also about building a stronger relationship with God.

    My goal in agriculture is to some day have my own farm or ranch.

    I would like to learn more about horses, cattle, crops, and agriculture in general.


  8. 1.The highlight of my summer was was watching my sister do so good in rodeo this past summer,especially her rodeo in pine ridge were she won her first breakaway buckle.

    2.I want to live out my life as a rancher,and be able to operate anything they put in front of me.I want to be able to rodeo as well and to win an make enough money to support my family.

    3.I would like to learn more about horses,cattle, and machinery.


  9. I think a leader is a person who takes responsibility and can get the job done the fastest and most efficient. A leader is also someone who everyone else looks up to and can count on to give a good and honest reputation to the group.


  10. a leader is some one not only of great christian character, but also has great morals and ethics. other good traits of a leader are good work ethic and being able to lead by example.I believe these are the most important character traits of a leader because if they did not posses these things no one would even consider them as a leader in the first place.
