Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Plant Science "Soil Health Bug" Assignment

Read the following article from "On Pasture" and answer the following questions:

1.  How does the author's use of the term "farming in nature's image" line up with a Biblical worldview?

2.  What does the author mean by the phrase using "biology rather than chemistry" to  achieve productive conservation?

3.  List 4 things that the author says about infiltration and runoff:

4.  Research one of the individuals mentioned in the article and explain:  1.  Who they are 2.  What they are doing that is unique  3.  Why they are doing what they are doing  4.  One interesting thing that you learned about them.

5.  What do you think you think about the "soil health bug": Do you agree with the concern the author has for this topic or is it over-rated and not important in the long run?

You may either type your answers in Word and print it off to hand in or you may e-mail me your paper at Andrew.Boersma@k12.sd.us

*Due on Friday, 10-3-14

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