Monday, January 26, 2015

Fun in the Sun

Last week the weather warmed up and we got outside for class!  We are studying horses with the Exploring SD Ag class and so we did a hands-on anatomy lesson where they labeled the parts of the horse.

 Never trust the camera to students!
 The junior high class has been studying outdoor survival.  They were split up into teams and had to treat given medical conditions, build shelter, and build fire.
 These pictures are of the "fire" portion of the assignment.  The first team to build a fire (using 1 match, dryer lent and wood they found) and roast a marsh-mellow on it, won.  Congratulations to Hannah, Shariah, EJ and Jade for winning the competition!

 The funny part of this assignment was that I (the teacher) was supposed to light a brush pile on fire while they were working on their fires.  I had a weed burner and diesel fuel and could not get a good fire started on the brush pile!  Over the weekend, there must have been some hot coals around the brush pile because it finally started on it's own.

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