Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Horse Slaughter Debate Assignment

Please Read the above article and answer the following questions:

1.  Describe the culture of Roswell, New Mexico

2.  When were the last horse slaughter plants operating in the United States (see sources below)?

3.  How many horses were sent to Mexico and Canada in 2013 for slaughter?

4.  Why is the Humane Society against the horse slaughter business?

5.  Why does Rick De Los Santos want to open the horse slaughter plan?

Part 2:  Write a one page paper on the horse slaughter debate.  Include the following points:

1.  Is the government overstepping it's role in preventing horse slaughter plants from opening?

2.  Do you agree or disagree with the Humane Society's view on horses?

3.  Is sending horses to Canada or Mexico any more humane than slaughtering them in the United States?

4.  What options are there for "unwanted" horses?

Other sources you may find interesting:,Apr2013,%2304,pp48-63,Taylor.pdf

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