Wednesday, April 15, 2015

State Convention 2015

 12 SBA FFA members attended the State FFA convention in Brookings this week.
 The crew was up bright and early every morning and attended sessions, work shops and competed in events until late at night.
Both the livestock judging team and horse judging teams placed 20th out of more than 60 schools. The students have all worked hard this year and learned a lot along the way.  These competitions teach many valuable life lessons in decision making, confidence and standing up for what you believe in.  I'm proud of each one of the students who have competed this year!
 New this year was a safety quiz bowl team that competed for the first time against Wolsey-Wessington.  We came close to winning at the end and each student received $20 cash for their participation.
 Convention is not complete without ice cream from the Dairy Bar!
 The student union was a great place to hang out in between events and catch up with SBA alumni.
 There were many trips in the van back and forth from the hotel to the convention.
 Enjoying SDSU's ice cream made right on campus!
 Quiz Bowl team-black and white style!
The students are skipping down the campus sidewalks after the last session of convention.  Thank you again to our students who came along and parents for your support.  We are blessed with great students who love to learn and are a witness for Jesus Christ in their words and actions.  I am looking forward to see how God uses these experiences in the lives of our students and community at SBA!

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