Monday, August 31, 2015

Watch what you call a weed!

We throw the term "weed" out loosely to describe plants which may not be desirable in certain locations.  Do "weeds" have any uses in God's design of our range-land ecosystems or are they simply a result of the fall?  Read the following article and answer the questions below.

Questions (may either be printed and handed in our e-mailed to )

1.  How many varieties of goldenrod are there in the United States and how many of those are native species?

2.  What is the taproot length of goldenrod and why is that length important?

3.  List 4 uses humans have for goldenrod:

4.  Why is goldenrod honey important?

5.  Does the term "weed" fit into a Biblical worldview of creation?  Why or why not?

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