Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall Fun

 We've been blessed with nice temperatures to get outside with our classes.  These first two pictures are of our agri-business classes going out and evaluating our neighbor's club (show) calves for sale.  They split up into teams and picked out their top steers and heifers.

 Last week, we were invited along on the Central SD Angus Tour and got to see the Eagle Pass Ranch in Highmore.
 The Eagle Pass Ranch has an incredible facility that is comfortable for working cattle year-round.
 The students were able to learn about electronic id's and the many uses they have in cattle production.  The ranch utilizes a "Grow Safe" system that is able to monitor the daily feed intake of individual cattle.  They are also implementing a watering system that will weigh individual cattle every time they come up for a drink.  With all the data they receive, the ranch is developing cattle that require less feed will maintaining quality.

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