Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November Notes

 November has been a busy month in class.  The freshmen presented on their creed projects where they memorized their section of the creed and created a poster to present the main points.
 Two of our FFA State Officers from SDSU came and visited our class on 11-18-15.  This was a great chance for the students to learn about FFA opportunities from the leaders of our state organization.
 Both Jeanette and Shane (State Officers) shared from their experiences in FFA and encouraged the students to step out and try new things that are offered at the chapter and state levels.    
Our animal science class has been studying cattle handling techniques by Bud Williams and Temple Grandin and are involved in a project where they get to design their dream facility.  We took a field trip to our neighbor's, who graciously showed us around his cattle facilities.  Thank you to all those who take time out of your busy days to help our students in many different ways!

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