Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September Stroll

 Last week members of our FFA chapter spent many hours at the State Fair.  This is an enjoyable yet exhausting experience as we entered competitions and served in various capacities.
 The above pictures show most of the crew who went to help at the Pork Producer's booth and the redesigned  FFA Ag Adventure area.
 Our crew does an excellent job helping with the Pork Producers and they are always anxious to get our students back for the next year.  I'm impressed with the work ethic and maturity of our students in a face-paced concession stand at the State Fair.
 Our Leadership class created a chapter display which we entered in a contest.  The display took 6th place overall and the students did a wonderful job designing and creating a display to promote our chapter and the FFA theme for this year which is "Transform: purpose to action"
 Another new thing this year was competing in the Farmer's Union Safety Quiz Bowl.  Our team did well and lost a heart breaker in tie breaker to McCook Central.  They finished in third place.  Congratulations to our students for a job well done!
 The quiz bowl was on the Freedom Stage in front of many more people than the students were used to seeing.
 The FFA redesigned their approach this year and created interactive displays instead of the traditional petting zoo.  Here the students are helping at the chicken station.
Our landscaping class has been hard at work trimming trees and they are developing a good eye for shape and beauty.  We have plenty of work on and off campus to keep us busy for a while.  Thanks for tuning in!

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