Monday, November 28, 2016

November Happenings

 November is a busy month with Leadership Career Development Events.  We had 6 students competing in the following areas: Prepared Public Speaking, Extemp. Speaking, Ag Broadcasting and Job Interview.
 Our students did very well in their practice events as well as the district event in Miller on November 15th.  Shelby took first place in Prepared Public Speaking and will be going on to State.  She also became the first member from SBA to be chosen for a district officer position.  Congratulations!  Andrew finished 4th in Extempt Speaking and is an alternate for State.
 We had a chance to swing into the Prairie View Vet Clinic for a tour earlier this month.  Students toured their small animal and large animal working areas and got to meet some of the staff.
 Throughout the year we get to help out with projects around the community including tree removal and landscaping.  Many hands make light work and our students are a blessing to our neighbors and our neighbors are very supportive of our chapter.  Thank you to all who read this and encourage us along the way!

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