Monday, May 22, 2017

End of the Year

 We had a wonderful evening celebrating the year at our Annual Banquet.  This was a special picture with Maxwell and our president sitting on the driver's seat.
 Trinity Lewis from Wyoming came and spoke about her FFA experience being a State Officer and challenged the students to take advantage of the opportunities FFA offers and to seek out mentors who can help you achieve your goals.
We honored two families with honorary degrees for their support of our chapter this year.
Next year's officers are being sworn in and looking forward to continuing the growth of our chapter.
 There was a lot of excavating that went into the swing-set area and this picture shows the footings we put down for the frame.  All in all we took out 12" of sod and soil from a 60'x60' area.
 The A frames with the main beam were brought from Dale's house with a pay loader (over 20 miles) and then we assembled the platform and slide on site.
We ordered a semi-truck load of wood chips to fill in around the structure and we will need to order another load this fall as it settles.
 Here is the near-complete project with some of the first kids who got to play on the set.  There are a few odds and ends that will be completed by this fall, however, the set has already had a lot of use and we hope it will be safely enjoyed for years to come!

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