Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Assignment for 11-12-13

The first time I went hunting I was in 4th or 5th grade.  My uncle took me rabbit hunting with some of his friends.  I was proud of being able to walk through the woods with my uncle and his dog as we eagerly waited for rabbits to dart out from their hiding spots in the soft snow.  Even though I didn't have a gun of my own, this hunt was a rite of passage for me and got me excited about hunting.  After the hunt was done, my uncle let me shoot his shotgun at some targets.  This was the first time I was able to shoot a "real" gun besides a BB gun!

What about you-what was your first hunting experience like?


  1. When I was younger I would go pheasant hunting with my dad and brother. I would usually walk behind my brother and have to drop to the ground when ever he turned around to shoot. Now I go hunting with them and carry my own gun and don't have to fallow Austin around like a little puppy dog.


  2. My first I went with my grandpa to my uncles house.I rode in a pickup and when we found the deer I got excited.I got out of the pickup got my rifle and shot the deer fell.I was happy until he got up and hid.I spent hours looking for him when I found him I shot him with a pistol.


  3. I've never technically been "hunting" before I've shot guns just never shot an actual animal. But if I ever got the chance to go hunting, I think it would be a lot of fun. Id probably start out with peasant hunting then work my way up to coyotes and eventually deer! I would love to go hunting with my brother I think that would be a really good bonding experience. We would probably go hunting in the middle of nowhere in Oklahoma. -F.K.

  4. I don’t remember my exact time going hunting but I do remember I was at my cousin Ryan’s house and he gave me a small compound bow it was probably about a four or five pound bow. I remember target practicing with my cousin and going home the next day and shooting at rabbits in our cedar trees.

  5. one of the first and most memorable times i have hunting i was with my brother i was about 13, and we had walked about four mile from our house looking for deer. we finally found one on a field but he was to far away and the field was to flat for us to sneak on him so we just watched him for several hours. he finally went into some breaks so we were able to start sneaking on him. when we got to ware we thought he was we couldn't find him finally we found him and i shoot him from several hundred yards away then we had to walk home and saddle horses so we could pack him out.


  6. Well, I used a bb gun from about 9-12 years old. I've killed well over 50 gophers with it and many black birds. My dad has a .22 pistol that i got to use when I was 12 or 13. I actually started trapping raccoon around that time. My grandpa had built 20 live traps for me to use. The first 2 weeks or so I wouldn't catch much of anything. In my first year of live trapping, I would turn the cages over and let the animal out before shooting them. This caused me to lose some of the coons I had caught. However, later on, I found out you can just shoot the animal in the trap. With raccoon, I usually killed them with a .22 rifle or pistol. However, I caught a lot of skunks which I blew up with a 410 shotgun. I left the skunks in the trap for a couple days before shaking them out. This way, they would not smell as bad.

  7. The first time i went hunting was with my grandpa Wall when i was about 11 or 12. He felt guilty because he always took JT hunting but never took me. So one afternoon he took me turkey hunting. There are lots of turkeys where i live so it took us about ten minutes to find a decent turkey flock. I fired into the flock with a shot gun and brought down two no doubt injuring multiple others. By the time we were done plucking and preparing them I told my Gramps that he never needed to feel guilty for not taking me hunting because I enjoy sleeping much more.
