Sunday, February 16, 2014

Day with Dr. Neu and FFA Week!

 We had a chilly, yet educational day with Dr. Gina Neu, who is a local vet with the Miller Vet Clinic, on 2-11-14. She has recently completed her vet studies at Iowa State University. She spent the afternoon with our class explaining the anatomy of a horse's hoof and lower leg as well as teaching some basic farrier skills. She brought with her a horse leg that was sawed in half vertically so we could see the inside of a horse's hoof and lower leg. She explained the bones and ligaments in that area and their critical function in allowing a horse to perform. This visual aid also helped explain "navicular" and "foundering" issues in horses. Then she showed some basic farrier techniques for trimming the horses' hooves in proportion to their conformation.

 This week (February 17-21) is National FFA Week! We have some exciting opportunities this week at SBA to take part in that. Thursday night is our annual pie auction and the FFA students will be dressed up in official dress and helping at the Pie Auction. This is to both help out and promote our chapter to the greater SBA community. Some of the money raised at the Pie Auction will go to help our FFA chapter in going to local and state competitions. Please send some pies and/or show up to help support the cause!

 We will also be covering some basic farm and ranch safety procedures this week and then the FFA students are going to create a "Farm and Ranch Safety" presentation to the upper elementary and junior high students at the end of the week. So, that is a little bit of what is going on this week. Make sure to ask your student about what they are learning from Shackleton's "Endurance"! This is an excellent story as well as an incredible lesson in leadership!

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