Monday, February 24, 2014

Assignments for the week of 2-24-14

Horse Slaughter debate:,0,7510283.story#axzz2uIlowmZK

Read this article and answer the following questions:
1.  When were the last US horse slaughter facilities running?  Who did they supply their product to?

2.   Where do slaughter horses currently end up?

3.  Why is Rick De Los Santos trying to open a horse slaughter plant in New Mexico?

4.   Comment on the following quote: "Nobody loves horses more than cowboys. But society has made horses bigger than they are. They're livestock, a tool of the ranch business, not household pets."

Do you agree or disagree?  Why?

5.  1.       Read the comment by Rachel Ann 1 at the conclusion of the article.  What important points does she bring up in her arguments?

6.  1.       Should America open up horse slaughter plants?  Why or Why not?  If so, under what conditions?  (1/2 page response and you may use other sources!)

Due Friday:  Shackleton's Way Chapter 4, Blue SAE time logs for February 

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