Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Springing into a break!

Spring break is almost here and it is a sprint to the finish line. Here are pictures from FFA students teaching farm and ranch safety to the upper elementary students. Trig taught the junior high students, but I forgot the camera for that one! We used a curriculum put together by the Farm Bureau which included a training video and worksheets. The video was well done and can be purchased by the Farm Bureau if you would be interested in that. The students did a great job teaching basic safety principles relating to potential farm safety emergencies and the younger students enjoyed seeing them in their classroom.

We have been studying equine science the last couple of weeks and looked at horse breeds, basic horse conformation, and horse anatomy. Rather than stand around in a cold barn, we brought our horse Dally to the heated shop at school and did a hands on lesson where the students identified the different parts of the horse using labels. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures while we were doing the activity, but here is the crew at the end of the class!
After spring break, things get very busy with FFA activities. Starting off on Tuesday, March 18th, we will be headed to Miller for a Career Development Event where the students will be competing in livestock and horse judging. There is a possibility for students to also compete Monday, March 24th in Bowdle at an event that will prepare them for the state competition in April. Speaking of state competition, the FFA State Convention will be April 6-8 in Brookings. I hope to post a detailed schedule soon of those days, but know that we will meet at SBA on Sunday, April 6th and then be back at SBA the evening of April 8th. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

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