Thursday, October 3, 2013

Range Competition and Looking Ahead

Three of our students took part in the Central Area Range Competition on October 1st in Wessington Springs. They (and their teacher) were a little nervous about the first competition! It was a beautiful day and the students performed very well, especially considering our inexperience. We placed 5th out of 10 schools and one of our students finished 21st in the individual scores. This is an area that I believe our school can really build upon and compete at an even higher level in the years to come.
 Five of our students won FFA jackets from a contest that we entered in last month. The students had to fill out an application and then answer questions about their future plans in agriculture, what an FFA jacket would mean to them, and what their goals for FFA are. Congratulations to our students for a job well done in this area!
 Earlier this week, we were privileged to have 2 state FFA officers join our class and answer many FFA questions. This is also my first year being involved with FFA so it was a blessing to have them for an hour class. The officers commented on how engaged the students were in wanting to learn more about FFA.
 We are finishing up our range unit and moving into crops. Each student has picked (figuratively) a crop to research and present to the class in the coming weeks. Stay tuned for more details!

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