Tuesday, October 1, 2013

FFA Visit Assignment

What is one thing that you learned from the state FFA officers that visited us on Monday? What opportunities in FFA are you interested in and would like to learn more about?


  1. The one thing that I learned from the officers that came to visit is that FFA can give you a lot of different opportunities in whatever you want to go into. You can go with FFA as far as you want to take it.I would personally like to learn more about the scholarships that I could receive from FFA.


  2. I learned that SAE stands for supervised agricultural experience. I would like to learn more about raising animals.

  3. I learned a lot yesterday from the state FFA officers. I learnd more about the FFA Emblem and what SAE stands for. I would like to learn more about my job in FFA and how i can further my growth in being the Vice President. F.K.

  4. One thing I learned from talking to the FFA officers was that we can get our different FFA degrees you can get and what it requires to get the degree. I also learned the different types of SAE’s which was very helpful. I also learned the different FFA emblems and what they mean.


  5. i learned that their are many more parts to FFA than just dealing with agriculture. i would also like to learn more about the public speaking and parliamentary procedure

  6. One thing i learned from the state FFA officers was how helpful FFA can truly be. Their discussion about SAE projects really caught my attention, I am super excited for my SAE and the chances at scholarships it will give me.


  7. One thing i learned from the state FFA officers was how helpful FFA can truly be. Their discussion about SAE projects really caught my attention, I am super excited for my SAE and the chances at scholarships it will give me.


  8. I learned that you can take FFA to very high levels of leadership and you can earn a lot of scholarships through the program. I would like to learn more abut the scholarships that can be earned and how to earn them.

