Monday, November 11, 2013

Firearm Safety and Field Trips

We had a busy class schedule last week that included the 6th period class creating a firearm safety video (see a sample of that above) and the 3rd period class giving firearm safety presentations to the upper elementary and middle school classes.  I dare say we have some talented future teachers in our class!  The students had fun with this, but more importantly demonstrated they could both safely handle and teach others to safely handle firearms.
We also had a chance to get out of the classroom last week.  On Friday, the 6th period class went over to Wayne Fawcett's and he talked to us about their family operation.  We spent most of time touring the barn that SBA first used for basketball practice!  The ranch used to be owned by the Marshall family who donated the land that SBA is built on.  The basketball team used to practice in the hay mound in the upstairs of the barn.  The barn is an impressive building that still serves an important purpose!  I love touring old barns and learning the history of them.
The 3rd period class helped me worm our horses and practiced crossing fences with a firearm.
This week we will be looking at the game species in South Dakota.  Thanks for tuning in!    

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