Wednesday, November 6, 2013

A Month's Worth of Updates

Well, I guess it's been about a month since we've updated the blog.  Here are a couple of highlights from the last couple of weeks and I apologize up-front for the lack of photos of our activities:

  • Researching and presenting on crops grown in South Dakota
  • Parliamentary Procedures
  • Firearm Safety
  • South Dakota Hunting Regulations
  • Conservation and Stewardship
  • First official SBA FFA Meeting on October 21st  *Below is a copy of the "unofficial" minutes

The Minutes for FFA             
     By Tricia
            Sunshine Bible Academy held its first ever FFA meeting on Oct. 21st 2013. The members present were Brian, Faith, Tricia Sierra, Jana, and Jt. Members gone were Trig and Noah. Our advisor Mr. Boresma was present, and our guests were Miss Van Holstyn and Vince Dixon.
            Brian called our meeting to order, followed by the opening ceremony. Sierra gave our treasures report Our FFA chapter did two different work projects in the community to raise money. We had to pay $50 for going to the land and range judging school and $180 for our FFA dues, which leaves us with a total of $865 in our FFA account.          
            Some opportunities for our FFA chapter are on Friday November 8th for the Jack Rabbit Invitational. Jana informed us that on December 7-8th(weekend of Auction) there is a cattle showing clinic in Brookings SD. It is done by professional cattle showers and you’ll receive tips on showing and other details on how to do things. It is also free so if people want to go let Mr. Boersma know. We also discussed the BOSDRC (Building Our South Dakota Rural Communities) which provides grants for our FFA chapter to do projects to help our community. It includes Basic which gives you $750 per project and Safety $200 per projects. You would need progression and completion reports. Jana moved to talk about Grant opportunities and Faith 2nd it. After discussing for a while Tricia moved to set aside the motion to talk about the Grant and move on to new business, and JT seconded it.
            New Business- Mr. Boersma suggested a committee for Thank you cards. Sierra opened the floor to talk about it, and Jana 2nd it. We discussed how our chapter needs to send Thank- you cards to people who have given our FFA chapter money. Our president Brian appointed Tricia, Jana, and Sierra on a Thank-you card committee. Jana moved to close Thank-you card discussion and Sierra 2nd it. An auction Fundraiser idea was suggested and Jana moved to open discussion. Sierra seconded it. Some of the ideas were Silent Auction or Fencing Basket. After discussing a bit Jana moved discussion to discussed at a later date and Brian 2nd the motion. The Rancher Relief Fundraiser in Miller asked our chapter if we wanted to donate a basket to be auctioned off. Brian moved to open discussion and Jana seconded it. During discussion we decided to make a movie basket and to spend $65 on it. Sierra moved for Jana to pick out a movie basket and Brian 2nd it. After the new business was done discussing, Brian made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Sierra 2nd it. Meeting was adjourned and dismissed by 9:04. 

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