Saturday, November 23, 2013

Relating Servant Days/Senior Trip to the mission of FFA

SBA sets aside time each fall where our 9-11 grade classes go all around the state and the 12th graders go to Missouri on missions trips.  The goal of these trips is to teach our students about serving others with the love that Jesus has given to us.  These pictures specifically show snapshots from the junior class trip that splits and loads firewood in Platte and brings it to Wanblee, SD to the Eagle's Nest Ministry Center.  They use the wood to heat their buildings for the winter.
 The class demonstrated great team work in the loading and stacking of the many pieces of firewood!
 The Eagle's Nest Ministry Center in Wanblee also is building the "Glory Ranch" which is the setting of the top picture.  They hope to use this ranch to reach the youth and families of the Pine Ridge Reservation for the "glory" of Christ (Colossians 3:23).  I am excited about the possibilities that SBA has to continue to come alongside this ministry in the future!
Here is a follow-up picture from our Fall SLEW.  My students and I have continued to work with "Dandy" and we've had two good first rides on him!

Assignment:  How does our Servant Days/Senior Trip fit in the context of the FFA mission and motto?  What areas of life do you see God calling you to serve him in?


  1. i believe that FFA teaches good work ethic and we are able to apply our work ethic when we go on the trip[ to help others do jobs that would usually take a long time and show the love of God while we are doing it


  2. I think God is calling me to serve him not only for myself, but for other people, so I can be an example for Christ. I also felt led to start sharing the gospel more and just pray that the holy spirit will give me words to speak, wisdom and boldness to teach his word. Raking leaves for a widowed lady helped me to realize that I need to be more grateful for what I have and start doing more things for other people and not just myself. It also really opened my eyes to how God can use people for his glory. I started to get tired when I was raking leaves and I wanted to just go back to the house, but God worked with me on understanding that there is joy in helping others and just because its not fun doesn't mean you shouldn't do it or have a good attitude. -Fk

  3. FFA is about serving others. That is exactly what we did during Senior Trip. However, many of our days were spent learning about foreign missions. We did get some work in on Friday. We were going to start work around nine, however, our speaker, Dave Percy, had many stories to tell. We did not start work until 10:10. In order to serve in missions, I believe we can evangelize wherever we are and pray for those who go to foreign tribes to learn their language. God calls us to do all our work as if doing it for Him. Although, we can also serve God by tithing to local missionaries or foreign ones. God can call us to serve Him in many different ways. We just have to listen to what he has for us.

  4. The FFA motto states: Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve. This relates to our servant day because we go on the trip to serve others and while doing so we learn new ways of doing things. Lately I feel God has been calling me to serve by helping out where I can, with a willing heart, and to encouraging others.

  5. Our servant days and FFA are alike in the fact that they both wish to help others and improve others conditions. They also make you work hard and work with other for a good outcome. I see God calling me to serve him in the examples I show others. I think he is calling me to work in the medical field on the reservation.

  6. my servant days was good but I didn't get what I thought I would.The FFA motto say we are to serve others and I did to the best of my ability.I think god is calling me to ranch.

  7. FFA and Servant days go hand in hand because they are both about serving others, especially our communities, and making them a better place. During servant days we serve others and in FFA we do the same thing working and helping our community. In the Motto for FFA its "Learning to Do" and I think one way we learn do things is by working and helping others out. God is calling me to serve him in every area right now. Whether its basketball, rodeo, track, or just helping out at home
