Thursday, December 10, 2015

Dr. Temple Grandin Trip

 We had the opportunity to go see Dr. Temple Grandin at the South Dakota Farmer's Union convention on Wednesday, December 9.  She has been a pioneer in the field of livestock handling as well as being very accomplished in her role in giving a "voice" to autism.  Its was a treat to see her in person with the students!
 Below are some pictures we took with the FFA outside on a windy December morning.  Thank you to all who have supported us along the way!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Low Stress Livestock Handling

Please read the article from the link below and answer the following questions:

1. Who is writing the article and who is publishing the article?

2. What 2 things have studies from feedlots proven about low stress livestock handling practices?

3. How are there financial benefits to handling livestock gently according to Stacy Davies (2 main points)?

4. Why are "wild" cattle worth less than "gentle" cattle?

5. Research "shrink" and "dark cutters" in the cattle industry.  What do those terms mean?  How do they apply to this article?

District Leadership CDE

We had 4 students compete at the district level of leadership career development events in Miller on 11-17-15.  2 students competed in job interview and placed near the top of 23 participants.  2 students competed in Creed, which is the first year we have had students try this event.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November Notes

 November has been a busy month in class.  The freshmen presented on their creed projects where they memorized their section of the creed and created a poster to present the main points.
 Two of our FFA State Officers from SDSU came and visited our class on 11-18-15.  This was a great chance for the students to learn about FFA opportunities from the leaders of our state organization.
 Both Jeanette and Shane (State Officers) shared from their experiences in FFA and encouraged the students to step out and try new things that are offered at the chapter and state levels.    
Our animal science class has been studying cattle handling techniques by Bud Williams and Temple Grandin and are involved in a project where they get to design their dream facility.  We took a field trip to our neighbor's, who graciously showed us around his cattle facilities.  Thank you to all those who take time out of your busy days to help our students in many different ways!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Bowdle CDE

4 students competed in a Leadership Career Development Event in Bowdle this week.  2 of the students competed in going through a job interview process and the other 2 memorized the FFA Creed and answered questions from the Creed.  Our district event is coming up on Tuesday, November 17 in Miller.

Surrounded by Plants Activity

The following are some helpful links as you complete Activity 1.1.3 "Surrounded by Plants":

*On table 1, come up with as many crops as you can in each category.  Don't worry if you don't fill all the blanks!

**Based on what you know about temperature and rainfall, answer the bottom two questions on page 4 the best that you can!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Strengths Finder Assessment

Our Agri-business class has been going through a book titled "StrengthsFinder 2.0", which looks at different areas of talent that God has given us.  It is incredible how God has wired us uniquely to work and function together as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, Ephesians 4).  Here are the steps to the on-line assessment
1.  Retrieve the access code from the back of your book (inside the red envelope)
2.  Go to and follow the directions or click on this link:
*You will need an e-mail address
3.  Enter your access code
4.  Take the assessment-it will take 30 minutes and you need to complete it in 1 setting without distractions
5.  Write down your top 5 strengths and/or print off complimentary information about your strengths
**"Remember that the purpose of StrengthsFinder 2.0 is not to anoint you with strengths-it simply helps you find the areas where you have the greatest potential to develop strengths."

Friday, October 23, 2015

Servant Days 2015

 The Junior High students took on a couple of local projects for Servant Days.  We started our time together by talking about having a "whatever it takes" attitude in serving Christ based off of Acts 20:24 and Colossians 3.
  The students worked as a team digging out a spruce tree that was over 8' tall.  The spruce tree was too close to other trees and needed to be moved.  So, the 14 students went to work with their shovels and dug it out!
 Here is the team with tree in it's new home!
 The students also worked on cleaning up our shelter belts and made brush piles that will be burned this winter.
Great job team!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ag Issues-Is there enough being done to get young people into production agriculture?

The following are interesting articles and statistics pertaining to opportunities for students to become involved in agricultural production:
This article sums up the issue quite well and addresses some of the challenges and opportunities for students.
This census gives demographics concerning the average age of farmers
The University of Nebraska has a couple of interesting programs including a heifer program and 100 Beef Cow Ownership Program
Iowa State has a Beginning Farmer Program that offers some enterprise options to supplement or get started in ag production.
This website gives a list of links of additional resources which may be helpful in investigating this issue.

Friday, October 16, 2015

October Sky

 October has been like an extension of summer so far, which has allowed us to do some additional landscaping projects on campus.  The freshmen students transplanted this spruce tree on campus to a staff home.  They have a ready-to-go Christmas tree in their yard!
 4 students took the HuntSAFE class this fall and earned their certification which allows them to purchase a youth hunting license in South Dakota.
 The FFA students are split up into committees to work on various aspects of our FFA activities during the year.  Our committees so far include: Fundraising, planning FFA Week, creating a Constitution, and writing thank-you cards to our supporters.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Fall Fun

 We've been blessed with nice temperatures to get outside with our classes.  These first two pictures are of our agri-business classes going out and evaluating our neighbor's club (show) calves for sale.  They split up into teams and picked out their top steers and heifers.

 Last week, we were invited along on the Central SD Angus Tour and got to see the Eagle Pass Ranch in Highmore.
 The Eagle Pass Ranch has an incredible facility that is comfortable for working cattle year-round.
 The students were able to learn about electronic id's and the many uses they have in cattle production.  The ranch utilizes a "Grow Safe" system that is able to monitor the daily feed intake of individual cattle.  They are also implementing a watering system that will weigh individual cattle every time they come up for a drink.  With all the data they receive, the ranch is developing cattle that require less feed will maintaining quality.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


 Sometimes a couple of weeks go by before I get a chance to post pictures and this is one of those instances!
 We went to the State Fair on Thursday, September 3 and worked at the Pork Producers Booth serving food and helped at the FFA Animal Nursery.
 It's always a great day at the fair-the students work hard and they have a little fun as well.  It is especially exciting for those who are first-timers to the fair!
 On Monday, September 21, we were invited up to Stiegelmeier's crop tour up in Selby, SD. The crop tour highlighted test plots of soybeans and corn that were sponsored by Channel Seeds.  The event was very educational in nature and culminated with a delicious supper and presentation by an independent soil scientist who talked about important factors in soil health.
 Stiegelmeier's also have a seed business and we were able to tour that facility as well.  The seed is cleaned and treated in the shop seen above.  They raise foundation seed and sell it to customers in many different states.
 Another aspect of their seed business is selling cover crop seed, which can be planted for a variety of uses including livestock grazing, breaking up compaction, and building up Nitrogen and organic matter in the soil.
Here is our fearless leader at work in the Pork Producer's Booth!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Outside Projects

 We've had a busy month in our classes and FFA projects.  Last week, we started on a couple of fall grass seeding projects.
 Activities from this week have included putting up square bales of hay and putting tires on silage piles.  More pictures of activities to come soon!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

FFA History with Warren Skinner

Our freshmen students visited with our neighbor, Warren Skinner, who was an FFA member in the late 1940's.  He shared about his experience going to National Convention and singing in the National FFA Band.  He also encouraged the students to step outside their comfort zones and try some new things in FFA.  Thank you for your support of our program!    

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Woonsocket Range Judging School

 We had a great day yesterday at the Woonsocket Range Judging School.  The students utilized their knowledge of plants to evaluate sites for carrying capacity of livestock and grouse.  A huge thanks to the NRCS offices for their help in putting this event on!

Monday, August 31, 2015

Watch what you call a weed!

We throw the term "weed" out loosely to describe plants which may not be desirable in certain locations.  Do "weeds" have any uses in God's design of our range-land ecosystems or are they simply a result of the fall?  Read the following article and answer the questions below.

Questions (may either be printed and handed in our e-mailed to )

1.  How many varieties of goldenrod are there in the United States and how many of those are native species?

2.  What is the taproot length of goldenrod and why is that length important?

3.  List 4 uses humans have for goldenrod:

4.  Why is goldenrod honey important?

5.  Does the term "weed" fit into a Biblical worldview of creation?  Why or why not?

In the Saddle Again

A quick officer vote determined that our August meeting be moved outside to a campfire.  We had a great first meeting looking ahead at the school year in front of us!
 Part of our meetings include devotions led by our chaplain.
 Food and fellowship are also an important component of our FFA meetings!
 Our classes have been studying range science and looking at the beautiful diversity God has given in his creation of range plants!
 The students are working hard identifying key plants and their characteristics.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to School!

 Here we are for another school year!  The FFA kicked off the year with a back to school party which took place inside with the 50 degree temps and 2.5 inches of rain.
 The night included food, games and an opportunity for FFA officers to introduce FFA to all of the SBA students
 Ice Cream was enjoyed by all!

We have one FFA student who will be showing a heifer and steer at the State FFA livestock show on Saturday, September 5.  Come support her at the Beef Complex in Huron!