Saturday, September 28, 2013

Getting out into the community!

 We had a couple of great opportunities to get out into the community over the past week.  The above picture is taken at the Ufen ranch which is just south of school.  Brad Ufen (an SBA alum) was kind enough to flag about 30 range grasses and plants for us to go look at on their property.  He did a great job walking us through the plant line and sharpening our identification skills.
 Backing up to Tuesday, we had an opportunity to help a family put tires on top of their silage pile.  They had spread a large tarp across the silage to keep it fresh and needed tires on top to hold it down.  The size of this pile was almost as big as a football field and was at least 15-20 feet high!
The students worked very hard and we were able to get the job done in about 45 minutes!  We had great help from a couple of future FFA students (we hope!) Jaden Brockel and Zach Sybesma-they decided working outside would be more fun than sitting in study hall!
Everybody got their workout and helped encourage each other to get the job done.  It helps to have some competitive students in class.  I told one of them I'm glad he works half as hard as he talks!
On Thursday, we went to out to the Johnson's place with my smaller class.  We helped pick up ears of corn that had fallen out the back of a trailer as they were picking corn.  The students did well with that and enjoyed getting to drive the Gator and Big Red around the field!
One of our goals is to be able to connect our students to some of the local operations around school.  It's a win-win situation where we get to go out and help families and learn from them.  They in turn get to know our students/program and help support us in what we are doing.
Coming up this week is a visit from two state FFA officers and a Range Competition in Wessington Springs that 3 of our students will be competing in.  Thanks for tuning in!

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