Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assignment for 9-15-13

Reflecting on the Land and Range Judging School, what are some things that you've learned (tools for your toolbox) that you have for future opportunities in agriculture?


  1. I learned a lot from the land judging school! I learned that I need to learn more about judging land, that there are many opportunities in that AG industry, tips on how to remember the different types of grasses, and how to better manage your pastures. I really enjoyed all that we learned at the school because I know that it will be practical in every day life on the ranch.

  2. Even though Land judging school was a bunch to take in all at once, i still learned a lot lke how to observe if land could potentially be used for farming, how to indentify slopes and different types of soil. I think taking this furthur could really help me in starting my own farm some day and even help me get a steady job. F.K.

  3. I learned which type of grasses cows like to eat, and what time of year they like to eat them. i also learned which type of grasses prairie grouse like to eat and use for cover. I think this will be very helpful on the ranch.


  4. Some of the things I learned at the Land and Range Judging School that will help me in my future in agriculture, is identifying the different grasses and being able to tell whether or not my cow will get any nutritional value out of them. I also learned that it is important to first find out the type of soil on the site before doing anything else.

  5. I learned a lot about dirt. This will help me out in life because I am a gardening enthusiast. l learned what grows best in certain kinds of soils. In the future I would like to learn which plants to rotate to improve soil conditions. I also learned what plants are best for prairie grouse. This will help me with raising chickens.

  6. I learned a lot from the range judging! I learned that there are a lot of different way ways to identify specific plants. I also learned what time of year plants grow, like in cold seasons or warm seasons. It was a very interesting day and a lot of fun!

