Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Putting Together a Roundpen and the Week of 9-16-13

The weeks keep getting busier!  Last Friday, the class assignment was to use teamwork to build a roundpen for our SLEW speaker.  I gave them a rough outline of what I wanted, the supplies they needed, and then I stepped back and watched them make it happen.  They did a great job as a team and problem solved a couple of hangups that I had not anticipated! 
Chad Coppess, our SLEW speaker, will be training a horse in the roundpen on Wednesday and Thursday at the 8:00 am and 7:00pm sessions if you have a chance to come by. 
We are headed to Dakota Vet in Miller today with the 3rd period class to watch the vet float a horse's teeth. Thanks for tuning in!

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