Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Assignment for 9-5-13

This week's post has to do with leadership. We have been looking at the FFA leadership positions and will be looking into the journey of leadership. What do you think is the most important aspect of leadership? Why?


  1. I think the most important aspect of leadership is having the big picture vision and having the skills to make it happen. This is the most important aspect because it defines an effective leader.


  2. I think the most important aspect of leadership is working with others not just taking control and being bossy. When you work with others and help each other out you can accomplish a lot more then you ever could have on your own.


  3. I think the most important aspect of leadership is letting others take part in projects and not taking over your self.


  4. I think the most important aspect of a leader is not just being a leader in the classroom, but also in everyday life. A true leader doesn't have to put on an act when its his/her time to be a leader. They are ready at all times, and are also very good examples.


  5. I think the most important aspect of leadership is communication, becuase even though it is important to make decisions as a leader, it is also just as important to make sure everyone understands what is going on. F.K.

  6. I believe the most important aspect of leadership is communication.I have experience this in my own life at work. If one of my managers does not tell everyone what to save, the one person who did not hear him will throw it away. This cost extra time and money to fix. I suggest carrying a megaphone around with you to aid in communication.
