Wednesday, September 4, 2013


There are several updates that I want to pass your way. First of all, we are going through applications for FFA officers this week and we are blessed to have many qualified students running for positions! Schedule wise, here are a couple of upcoming events to keep in mind:
Tuesday, September 10th: Land and Range Judging School in Woonsocket
Monday, September 16th-Friday, September 20: Chad Coppess from Grace Adventures will be at SBA for our Fall SLEW. He will be incorporating live horse training as part of his teaching to the students
Tuesday, October 1: Regional Land and Range Judging Competition in Wess. Springs *For those who wish to compete
Tuesday, November 12: District Fall FFA Competition in Miller
Friday, November 22-Monday, November 25: State FFA Competition in Pierre *Stay tuned for details Sam Rogers showed a heifer in the FFA livestock competition of the State Fair last weekend in addition to her 4-H shows.

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