Friday, September 20, 2013

SLEW Assignment-Due Tuesday, 9-24-13

What is one takeaway (thing you have learned) that you have from SLEW week? How was that lesson illustrated by the horse? How does that apply to your relationship with God?


  1. I learned a lot about slew last week. One thing that I learned was to focus on the horses hip when circling him. I learned that the horse keeping his eye on the trainer is like us keeping our eye on God. Which is a great reminder to me to stay focused on God!


  2. I learned during SLEW week that there are many things that are similar in breaking a horse and in my Christian walk with the Lord. I learned that the horse acted a lot like me sometimes. Like when Chad had rode him the previous night and was unable to the next morning. I related this to me when I get on a spiritual high and then two or three weeks later I forget what I have learned. All in all it was a great week, were I got to learn more about breaking horses while growing in my spiritual walk.


  3. One thing that really stuck with me was the way he wanted the horse to yield his mind,will, and heart to him just like god wants ours and how i need to apply this every day to my life

  4. One thing that I have learned from SLEW that really stuck with me is that we need to use hard situations to make us closer to God.In hard situations its really easy to get mad at God, or become distant, but instead if we use this to draw us closer there will be better end result.A lot of times when situations got hard to colt looked everywhere else, but to the trainer. If he would've just look the the trainer first it would've saved him a lot of trouble. Which is the same is out walk with God. If we look to him first we save our selves a lot of trouble.

  5. I learned alot during Slew week. A few things that really stuck out to me were how he related your walk with Christ to breaking a horse and how they are very similar. I noticed anytime he tried to teach the horse something he wasn't use to doing the horse would run back to his friend(where he was comfortable). That really spoke to me because often times ill run to other things for comfort when i should be putting my trust in God and running to him. F.K

  6. I learned that we need to accept the truth to grow in our walk with the Lord. Chad showed this by "speaking truths into the horse's life". When the horse would let up a little, Chad would let up. He use the analogy: he gives, I give. Learning the plan God has for our life will increase our faith and help us to share that with others.
