Monday, September 23, 2013

What an exciting week!

We had a very busy yet exciting week at SBA. Chad Coppess, from Grace Adventures, came and challenged us from Ephesians 5 using horse training to relate what God desires to teach us. Our Ag classes had the opportunity to work with Chad and the horses during classtime and learn more about horse training. Thanks to Chad and the students for their willingness to go deeper. We also had an opportunity with the 3rd period class to visit Dakota Vet in Miller to watch a horse get it's teeth floated. The vet explained the procedure and allowed the students to get some hands-on learning. Thanks to Dakota Vet for allowing us this opportunity. This week we are going to help a local family put the tarp and tires on their sileage pile. We also will be finishing up our range management section over the next two weeks. The bottom photo is displaying a gavel that Trig made for our FFA meetings. I enjoy seeing the students use their gifts in a variety of ways to add to our class experience. Thanks for tuning in!

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